Blog Update

This week we will be a launching a more regular scheduled posting. This is in connection with the "weekly impact cards" for our ministry team and participants. Each week a post will be published to encourage, challenge and point people to Jesus. They will be written by our sports team and volunteer staff. I trust they are an encouragement to you as well.

Thanks for your support of Sports Impact.


Monday, June 1, 2009

A Healthy Perspective

Good Morning.

I have asked our summer intern, Matt Simmonds to pen some thoughts on what he is learning. I trust it is an encouragement to you as well. Grateful for Jesus.


Two weekends ago I received my undergraduate degree for my school work over the past four years. When I entered college I had little to no idea of what I wanted to study or where I would like to work in the future. As each year passed I took steps towards becoming who I am today, gaining confidence and knowledge along the way. While I was at school I worked towards certain goals, received respect from my peers, earned responsibility, and gained leadership opportunities.

Now that I have moved back home, in search for a career, I find myself in a similar position that I was in my freshman year of college; often uncertain what the next year or month will hold. I find myself back at block one, having to start over again and establish myself in a different way than ever before. My identity as a student is no longer, and I feel as though I am like a rookie draft pick, expected to become a play maker in a league of crafty, veteran all-stars. The message that I have focused upon is that my responsibility is to simply serve each and every day.

In 1 Corinthians 3:6-7, Paul writes, “I planted the seed, Apollo’s watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” This passage is a reminder, that my responsibility as a Christian does not change and it never will. I am simply a servant, no more or less than Paul, who can do nothing of eternal worth without the Lord. Rookie or veteran, to bear fruit we must all remain in the vine, our savior Jesus Christ (John 15:4).

So as I worry about adopting a new lifestyle apart from school, and attaining the level of respect, responsibility, and status that I selfishly desire, I am humbly reminded that without God all my efforts are meaningless. I am reminded that I should focus on things from above, and that I must be a humble servant. I must look and respond to Jesus, the perfect example of a servant leader. And maybe I should start by looking for some feet to wash.