Blog Update

This week we will be a launching a more regular scheduled posting. This is in connection with the "weekly impact cards" for our ministry team and participants. Each week a post will be published to encourage, challenge and point people to Jesus. They will be written by our sports team and volunteer staff. I trust they are an encouragement to you as well.

Thanks for your support of Sports Impact.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Gospel of John

“When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, ‘If anyone of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.’”

John 8:7

The message that Jesus teaches in chapter 8 is that we are all flawed and sinful. It is easy to pick out the sin and shortcomings of others. Jesus identifies that we must first search our own hearts for the areas in which we too come up short.

I recently moved into a home together with my wife. Just like living with anyone, we learn so much more about our spouse or roommate when living in close quarters to each other. It’s so easy to pick out flaws in one another while never self examining the issues that we each have in our own lives.

Jesus concludes his story in John 8:11 by saying “Go now and leave you life of sin.” When we realize the sin that has entangled us, Jesus commands us to change. Our challenge this week is to take some time for self examination. Once we have identified our sin, it is time to leave it. When we leave our sin behind, then we are able to run faster towards the truth and life.

- Matt