“…whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Matthew 20: 26-28 (ESV)
During my undergrad studies, I took several business classes that explained the structure of businesses both large and small. We looked at companies that have complex levels of hierarchy and others that have a much simpler structures. Our world is organized by leaders that have worked for years in order to gain power and responsibility to make decisions that affect the large majority of employees. Those at the very top seem to rarely interact with those at the bottom. In large corporations, the decision makers do not spend the majority of their time mingling with the lowest level of employees.
Jesus ran things different than our world does today. He was the leader and decision maker in his ministry, but he still took the time to be visible to his followers. Instead of being served by his following, he came to serve the people.
Our attitude should also be to serve first. God promises that by being a servant we will be “great” and placed “first” in his eyes. I encourage all of us to look for new ways to serve the world around us in this New Year. What a great opportunity it is to refocus and let God change and work in our hearts like we have never allowed him to do before.
- Matt Simmonds