“Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.”
John 6:11
We live in a world that is driven by production, sales, and material wealth accumulation. It can be overwhelming just walking through the grocery store and seeing all the shelved items practically reaching out and grabbing you to get your attention. Unfortunately I have often fallen into the victim category of cheesy promotion schemes. If it looks new, fun, and tasty than more often than not it ends up in my cart. By the first bite I know whether it was a good purchase and more often than not I realize that I was over promised and under delivered once again.
The story in John 6 on the other hand did not under deliver. There wasn’t nearly enough food to go around but Jesus had greater things planned. The people ate until they were full. All their needs were supplied and even more.
When we run to worldly vices they will always under deliver. Even though they may tempt every desire known to man, they never fail to disappoint and it’s a battle that we are faced with everyday. My challenge and desire is that we would block out the distractions and run towards a God that loves us and supplies all that we need. Thanks for reading this week and may God continue to work in the hearts of those connected with Sports Impact.