Blog Update

This week we will be a launching a more regular scheduled posting. This is in connection with the "weekly impact cards" for our ministry team and participants. Each week a post will be published to encourage, challenge and point people to Jesus. They will be written by our sports team and volunteer staff. I trust they are an encouragement to you as well.

Thanks for your support of Sports Impact.


Monday, December 13, 2010


“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:13, 14

The passage above is a phenomenal charge. So often we know what we need to do but we neglect what is important. Each of us can probably list ten things that we need to get done today alone. This week I read an article that talked about how lack of discipline can prevent accomplishing goals. One of the points made in the article is that people constantly let their lives become interrupted. To do lists take a back seat to unscheduled activities that change plans in the blink of an eye. Can you relate? I certainly can.

With so many things vying for your time this season, have you sat down to think about what is really important for you and your family this Christmas? Maybe it is spending quality time at home with your kid’s without the television on. Or maybe it is spending a morning serving together as a family. It takes courage to stick to plans and manage time efficiently and it always takes courage to say no.

As we quickly approach Christmas, our hope is that you would take the charge from 1 Corinthians and find courage to continue leading your family. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful week.


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