“Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interest, but also to the interests of others.”
Philippians 2:3-4
How often do we think about me before thinking about others? It can be hard to stop thinking about ourselves. Your philosophy may even be to look out for number one and the rest will take care of itself. Paul challenges us to not only serve others but to think of others as more significant than ourselves.
Paul points to humility as the key that unlocks the door for us to show care and interest in others. Once we set aside our own selfishness whether that is with time, money, or attention than we are able to see beyond our own situations and how we can help others.
This is what teamwork is all about. Looking beyond our own personal gain in order to do what is best for the team. When you sit down to watch your favorite sporting event this week look for the best example of teamwork. Maybe it will be an offensive lineman sacrificing his body to protect his quarterback. Think of the great things that have been accomplished because of teamwork and think of ways that we can humble ourselves to care for others. Thanks for reading and have a great week.
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