Blog Update

This week we will be a launching a more regular scheduled posting. This is in connection with the "weekly impact cards" for our ministry team and participants. Each week a post will be published to encourage, challenge and point people to Jesus. They will be written by our sports team and volunteer staff. I trust they are an encouragement to you as well.

Thanks for your support of Sports Impact.


Monday, November 1, 2010


“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

What are the areas in your life that require the most strength? Maybe it has to do with relationships, sickness, job loss, debt, procrastination or insecurity. All of us must face times of adversity and often there is an element of fear involved. The verse above gives what John Piper calls, “The Five Pillars of Fearlessness.”Each pillar is found in Isaiah 41:10 and each are restated below.

1. God is with me

2. God is my God

3. God will strengthen me

4. God will help me

5. God will uphold me

Whether you are going through a tough time this week or not, let our challenge be to memorize Isaiah 41:10. When life throws us a curve ball it is important to have something solid, unchanging, reliable, and relevant to hold onto. The Bible, God’s word, stays the same. This verse reminds us that we are not alone. God promises to strengthen, help and uphold us. Let us never forget these promises and be encouraged this week by the strength we receive through Jesus.


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